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Fall 2017: Solutions and Best Practices (BCSA)

Tue November 14th 2017, 12:00am

Over the course of the Clayman Institute’s Breaking the Culture of Sexual Assault series, we have asked “why and how does the culture of sexual assault persist?” We have illuminated the structures, cultures, and norms by which gender-based violence is etched into our communities. Part of the challenge of eliminating the culture of sexual assault is that everyday and often taken-for-granted elements of our society help prop up this culture, such as dominant norms of masculinity and media narratives about sexual violence.

In the last event of Breaking the Culture of Sexual Assault, we will focus on concrete tools and best practices. A flurry of online and offline action has revealed the depth of the problem and the devastating impact of sexual assault. Although sexual violence is broad and insidious, we have recently seen the success of collective and individual action in eradicating rape culture. In the last event, we end with reflection, optimism, and everyday strategies by which we can use our voices and power to create a more just and equal world.

Thanks to our many and generous co-sponsors:  Office of the Provost, Vice Provost for Graduate Education, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Stanford Student Affairs, Stanford Law School, Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society, Program in Feminist Gender and Sexuality Studies, and Stanford Women’s Community Center.