More Than a Few Good Men: American Manhood and Violence Against Women
Join the Clayman Institute for a presentation by the world-renowned gender issues and sexual assault expert Dr. Jackson Katz. The talk will tackle the difficulty of encouraging men to attend programs on sex and gender issues, as well as moving past defensiveness on the subject of gender violence. One aspect that will be focused on is educating men about these issues while avoiding placing the blame on them for centuries of sexism and oppression.
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The program will encourage both men and women to address one of the most prevalent issues on college campuses and across the world, violence against women. Dr. Katz will discuss how media affects the perceptions many college students have about this issue. The topic will include sexual and domestic violence as well as pornography, prostitution and stripping. Of particular note will be how homophobia prevents many men, and women, from dealing honestly with sexism, and how the campus culture of drinking is directly related to the incidence of sexual assault.
Dr. Katz will juxtapose how problems which were typically though of as "women's issues," are linked to the lives and attitudes of boys and men, and on a deeper level are reflective of larger social forces. This is done with a combination of Dr. Katz' signature humor and facts reflective of the current unpleasant reality. This talk will be engaging, informative and entertaining as Dr. Katz delivers a cutting edge analysis of masculinity and sexual politics.
This event is co-sponsored by the Office of the Provost, the Vice-Provost for Undergraduate Education, OpenXChange, Stanford Law School, Stanford Student Affairs, Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society, Women's Community Center, Stanford Men & Masculinities Project, Stanford Athletics, Inter-Sorority Council, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon.