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The Clayman Institute for Gender Research began in 1974 as the first of its kind and remains at the 
cutting edge of gender research.

The Institute empowers students and scholars in three key ways. We conduct and invest in intersectional gender research; mentor students through fellowships and internships; and inspire, translate, and amplify gender scholarship. More about us

What's New

book cover of Feminism in the United States

Alison Dahl Crossley authors book on feminism in the U.S.

Join us in celebrating the publication of a new book by Clayman Institute Executive Director ALISON DAHL CROSSLEY. Feminism in the United States: A Concise Introduction provides a focus on intersectionality, goals, tactics, and varieties of feminism.

drawing of woman with hand covering her mouth

New white paper: Assessing the impact of NDAs and forced arbitration

The Clayman Institute and Lift Our Voices collaborated to show the lasting impact of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) on the lives of survivors of workplace sexual harassment and discrimination. Our research points to the need for a wider conversation and examination of NDAs in the workplace. 

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upRising: special 50th issue

The new edition of upRising magazine celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Institute’s founding. In addition to research insights, events, and fellows news, this issue has a special focus on the origins, growth, and continuing evolution of the Institute as well as the remarkable directors who have led the way. 

Recent News

Our Impact

50 years of gender research; 60-plus podcast episodes; 5200 Gender News subscribers; 17 fellowship opportunities; 280-plus fellows supported
At a moment of intense global crisis, the Clayman Institute offers an ideal model of an inclusive, diverse, and generative environment that should be the standard in academia.
Faculty Research Fellows Lunch with Marci Kwon
Marci Kwon, Art and Art History
Faculty Research Fellow

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three women standing together outside

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An investment in the Clayman Institute is an investment in future generations of leaders and change makers. 
